Vehicle Name : Buzz BunnyAs a car nut, I’ve had some fun vehicles over the years. I regret not having photos of those I had as a kid, though I’ve attached a few semi-recent projects that I’ve built and/or owned from my recent past. The reason I am sharing this is, it’s time for me … Read moreTow Vehicle – what I should do?

Vehicle Name : Old SchoolFor those of you who have seen me on the social skoolie groups and followed my travels, you’ll know we had a heck of a time getting out of Florida. I moved in full time 2 months ago, right before the pandemic hit, then thinking I’d make a run for it … Read moreMade it to Texas from Florida

Vehicle Name : Old SchoolAfter spending the last couple of months with a camp potty, and upon showing up at Awesome Possum, I decided my first priority would be to build a proper composting toilet. Prior to this, I was running to Walmart and Walgreens for #2! 😉 I followed the guidance off youtube to … Read moreComposting Toilet – Check!